Apostle Demar Gilliard is originally from Holly Hill, SC. Prophet Demar has been teaching how to embrace the changes of life and it will bring good success one day at a time in your life. He is the Founder and Pastor of I AM THAT I AM MINISTRIES and an author. Prophet Demar Gilliard is married to Prophetess Bisceglia Gilliard for 23 years and they have three children: Cierra, Demar Jr., and Hannah. He is a visionary, with prophetic vision and a voice from God. He is impacting his generation with good success. Prophet Demar Gilliard is transforming lives by inspiring them with the word of God. He believes when you are Living in your “I AM”, it will bring you into the "Now" manifestation of your desires. You can always connected with Prophet Demar Gilliard or send your prayer request to www.prophetdemargilliard.com

I AM THAT I AM MINISTRIES visions is to teach you how to walk, live, and prosper in your I AMness. Restore families back through the power of God's love. For you to established the Word of God to a degree, that you, may skillfully apply the Word to your everyday life.


our Vision


APOSTLE Demar Gilliard

Prophetess Bisceglia Gilliard

Prophetess Bisceglia is Co-Founder and Co-Pastor of I AM THAT I AM MINISTRIES. She has been serving and teaching the gospel for over 20 years.  Prophetess Bisceglia is a woman of God that strengthens and delivers a fresh anointing word of God to heal, set free, and prosper the people of God.  Prophetess has host and taught many Women Empowerment Conferences. Prophetess Bisceglia has a Associate's Degree in Early Childhood, a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice/ Sociology and a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice Administration. Prophetess Bisceglia mission is to continue to empower and inspire God's people that the Power to become, the Power to be and the Power to manifest their purpose is already inside of them.